Friday, July 18, 2008

A little blip

I sent out postcards to my very small database of customers regarding the upcoming show in Fort Lauderdale on August 2nd - and got an interesting phone message on the machine from one lady. She was the dealer from the Dade City show who had bought the picnic tin basket. (I could have guessed that she might have had something to say about the invitation to the show, having remembered our fractious customer-salesperson relationship!)

Gist of the message was that there was No Way On Earth she would consider driving All The Way to Fort Lauderdale for a Lousy 60 Dealer Show. You could just about hear the capitalizations in her voice! Oy vey. But, since we were at it and had her on our mailing list, we could send her 4 free passes for the Sarasota show in December. You gotta love the nerve of this woman. Oh, and she wants to look at any beaded purses we might have to sell to her. Actually, I'm a little afraid of showing them to her - what a bully she was! I'm thinking, instead, that perhaps she needs to be deleted from the mailing list. I don't need to get feedback like this from my tiny customer base.

I've taken a little break from the nonstop work on the eCrater store. There's no shortage of work to be done - and I'm not even midway through the Expo 67 project - but I'm acknowledging that I'm suffering a bout of depression that has broken through and left me feeling, for lack of a better word, utterly paralyzed. I see the work that needs to be done, but I don't have the energy to do it.

So I'm allowing myself a bit of a break while I allow some adjustments I've made in my self care and lifestyle to take effect. Trying to be good to myself. This internet store will be waiting for me when I'm ready to tackle it again. It could be just a few days, but I'm not putting myself on a schedule, but letting my mind and body tell me when they are ready to enjoy themselves again. This is such an enjoyable part of my life - I refuse to let it become the chore that depression can make it.

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