Nobody's harder on yourself than you. Boy, don't I know it. Having made several starts in good faith, going as far as sifting through entire boxes of inventory and picking out the pieces that I wanted to add before others, I then did - nothing.
Well, not exactly NOTHING. We hauled the tub of stock upstairs so I could start taking pictures. It's a big box. Takes up a lot of room; not an attractive addition to the living room. This was at the end of April. And you know, Life happened. (No excuses, other priorities made themselves known and we took appropriate action.) Life is still happening, what do you know? But I'm making the motions now to start adding more items to the eCrater store.
I have been in touch with another antique dealer friend of mine, someone with similar interests, and offered to carry some of her items in our store too to diversify her business model as we have. Of course, the offer was made right when I stopped doing work on the website, which compounded my feelings of guilt. But now I'm starting to schnibble away at the project; I'll never consider it work as long as I have the passion for the items we collect and offer for sale, which is the best part of all.
(I'm a little weary of this "baby steps" stuff, though - sheesh!)
And, from my friend's items added to the website, I present the double egg cup. This one is from Wedgwood Edme, in the "Conway" pattern. From the website description for the item: "The double egg cup from Wedgwood has several supposed uses. One is to protect a second soft boiled egg and keep it warm while the first is being held in the smaller of the two cup openings. Another is to provide a secondary type of consuming the soft boiled egg - in the larger cup, the soft egg can be scraped out of the shell and mixed with salt and pepper, and eaten with a spoon. In my house growing up, we thought the purpose was to serve juice in the large cup - and when we were done, the cup was turned over to serve the soft boiled egg in. (That seems to have been a use particular to our family!)"
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