Thursday, June 19, 2008

And on to Bunnykins!

Just the name makes you giggle. But the first piece I grabbed failed to be easy to research - I've got the pattern number and name from my trusty Charlton Standard Catalogue (note the spelling, ahem) of Royal Doulton Bunnykins as the Letterbox design - but there's a drought of information about it out in the ether.

Harrumph. I guess Wedgwood was a walk in the park!

Scratching my head on this. There's the book value, that's the one that makes your eyes water and you marvel at the astounding Find you've got on your hands. But you really have to know the retail value, what it's worth in the marketplace, in order to be accurate. I'd be scaring people off to put the book values on the collection - and really, that's funny money. It's what you hope the item to be worth to a collector - but it's not usually a reflection of the current going price.

So, it looks like I've got my work cut out for me. It also doesn't help that, although there are proper names given by Royal Doulton for each of the patterns issued, many times, if you do a search for just "Bunnykins", you'll gets results that describe the shape of the piece, like plate, or two handled mug. Well, duh - they issued those shapes for virtually ALL the designs they created. So it's quite a slog through the information bog - I mean highway - just to filter out to what you're exactly looking for.

For example, a search this morning turned up a cup described as "two handled with cute bunnies scampering and getting into lots of trouble." OK, then - I don't think I can really pin that one down without having to take a much closer look. Oh, and while I'm at it, can I just mention again my pet peeve about how many poor quality photographs there are out there? It staggers the mind how people manage to sell their items from blurry or poorly lit images. I'm presuming that they're selling.

Yes, I'm frustrated. This will be a more labor intensive batch of collectibles than I'd anticipated. But I'm hoping they'll be worth the effort and the wait.

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